Revised January 2023
Click here for a PDF of the Virginia ACTE bylaws; also read the Virginia ACTE Constitution.
Section 1. Classification of Membership. All career and technical education teachers and administrators, individuals, firms, and organizations interested in the purpose of this Association shall be eligible for membership in one of the following classifications:
- Affiliated Membership. Open to persons actively engaged in career and technical education.
- Life Membership. Open to any affiliated member of Virginia ACTE who pays lifetime membership dues. The lifetime membership dues are set by the Board of Directors.
- Student Membership. Open to those persons enrolled as a graduate or undergraduate student interested in career and technical education.
- Associate/Corporate Membership. Open to individuals, companies, corporations, groups, and organizations that are interested in career and technical education.
- Loyalty/Retired Membership. Open to individuals who have retired from full-time activities in the field of career and technical education.
Section 2. Payment of Dues. Application for membership shall be submitted to the Virginia ACTE Treasurer, the Vice President for Membership, or through any division.
Section 3. Voting Privileges. The following membership classifications shall have voting privileges:
- Affiliated Members.
- Life Members.
Section 4. Association Publications. All membership classifications are entitled to receive all Virginia ACTE publications.
Section 5. Membership Year. The membership year for Virginia ACTE shall be from July 1 to June 30, which is also the Virginia ACTE fiscal year.
Section 6. Disposition of Surplus Funds. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to appropriate any part of any surpluses to the Scholarship Fund each year.
Section 7. Communication with the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE). The Association shall maintain contact with the officers and staff of ACTE, including the transmission of membership dues, donations, and other contributions designated for ACTE.
Section 8. Multiple Division Memberships. A Virginia ACTE member may be a member of more than one Division as described in Article II. However, for purposes of Virginia ACTE membership reporting, a Virginia ACTE member shall be identified with only one Division.
Section 9. Local Chapters. Local chapters may be established to render services to local communities by implementing and augmenting the activities of the professional associations for career and technical educators. Procedures for organizing and maintaining a local chapter are contained in the Virginia Career and Technical Association Guidelines for Establishing Local Chapters.
Section 1. Divisional Classifications. The Divisions of the Association shall be:
- Administrators – Virginia Association for Career and Technical Education Administrators (VACTEA)
- Agricultural – Virginia Association of Agricultural Educators (VAAE)
- Business and Information Technology – Virginia Business Education Association (VBEA)
- Health & Medical Services – Virginia Health and Medical Sciences Educators Association (VAHAMSEA).
- Family and Consumer Sciences - Virginia Association of Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences (VATFACS)
- Marketing – Virginia Association of Marketing Educators (VAME)
- School Counselors – Virginia Counseling and Career Development Division
- Special Populations Section – Virginia Special Populations Section (VACTE-SPS)
- Technology Education – Virginia Technology and Engineering Education Association (VTEEA)
- Trade and Industrial Education– Virginia Association of Trade and Industrial Educators (VATIE)
Section 2. Formation of a New Division. When a group of career and technical educators meet the following criteria, they may petition the Board of Directors to become a division with a representative on the Virginia ACTE Board of Directors as specified in Section 3 below.
- The interest of the group is clearly defined as being directly involved in, or closely related to career and technical education.
- The group represents an interest that is statewide.
- The proposed new division shall be organized in the interest of expanding and/or improving career and technical education.
- The group must petition in writing to the Board of Directors for divisional status.
- The group must have at least twenty-five (25) affiliated members of the proposed division and Virginia ACTE.
Section 3. Division Representatives. Each division association shall elect a representative to the Virginia ACTE Board of Directors as specified in Article VI, Section 1 of these bylaws. The duties of the division representatives are as follows:
- To represent the division on the Board of Directors. The term of office shall be three (3) years and begins on July 1 of the beginning term.
- To promote membership in Virginia ACTE and national ACTE by contacting persons who are directly or indirectly affiliated with the division.
- To serve as a chairman, as appointed by the president, of one of the standing committees of Virginia ACTE.
- To arrange for the selection of a successor before the expiration of term of office, the results to be submitted in writing to the President prior to the spring Board meeting. The successor shall attend the last meeting prior to July 1.
- To provide a report of Virginia ACTE Board decisions within seven (7) business days to the division association.
Section 1. President. The President-elect shall assume the office of president on July 1, one year following the beginning of his/her term as President-elect.
Section 2. President-Elect. A President-elect shall be elected annually. After serving a year as President-elect, this officer shall assume the duties of the president.
Section 3. Vice President for Membership. A Vice President for Membership shall be elected for a two (2) year term.
Section 4. Vice President for Public Policy. A Vice President for Public Policy shall be elected for a two (2) year term.
Section 5. Secretary. A Secretary shall be elected for a two (2) year term.
Section 6. Treasurer. A Treasurer shall be elected for a two (2) year term.
Section 7. Immediate Past President. The President shall assume the office of Immediate Past President upon completion of his/her term as President. The Immediate Past President shall serve in that office for a one (1) year term.
Section 8. Method of Electing Officers.
- No division or candidate may have successive terms in the same officer position unless no other candidate is available.
- The Board of Directors will solicit from each division, except the division currently having the corresponding office, nominations for the offices of President-elect, Vice President for Membership, Vice President for Public Policy, Secretary, and Treasurer.
- A prospective Executive Committee officer should have served at least one (1) year on the Virginia ACTE Board of Directors or served as an officer in their division prior to running for office.
- The Board of Directors shall present a slate of candidate(s) for each office at the annual business meeting.
- There shall be a call for nominations from the floor at the annual business meeting. Nominations from the floor shall have approval from the nominee to be recommended as candidate. Candidates’ eligibility must meet the requirements as certified by the Board of Directors.
- Each candidate shall be introduced at the annual business meeting and will be expected to speak 3-5 minutes or to have another member speak on his/her behalf.
Section 9. Election Procedures.
- In the event there is only one candidate for an office, the Board of Directors will hold a special meeting following the annual business meeting, to approve the candidate for each such office.
- If there is more than one candidate for any office, each candidate for that office will make available to the Immediate Past President, within one (1) week following the annual business meeting, a digital photograph and a biographical sketch not to exceed three hundred (300) words. Photographs and biographical sketches of all candidates will accompany the ballot.
- If there is more than one candidate for an office, electronic ballots will be sent to all members in good standing following the annual meeting. Ballots shall be returned to the immediate past president and shall be counted by the Nomination/Election Committee.
- The name of the candidates for each office receiving the highest number of votes from the membership at large shall be submitted to the Board of Directors at its spring meeting and be confirmed and declared elected. The results shall be published via the Virginia ACTE listserv and/or other publications.
- Ballots will be kept on file. If there is no appeal within thirty (30) days following the announcement of the elections, the ballots will be destroyed.
Section 10. Election of ACTE Region II Policy Committee Representative.
- The Board of Directors will elect the ACTE Region II Policy Committee Representative for a three (3) year term. Nominations shall be received by the President prior to the Virginia ACTE annual meeting in the year of election. The representative shall be voted on at the Board of Directors meeting immediately prior to the annual meeting.
- The candidates should be current or previous voting members of the Virginia ACTE Board of Directors or served as an officer in their division.
- No division or candidate may have successive terms in this office unless there are no other candidates available.
Section 11. Effective Date of Office. New officers and divisional representatives shall take office as of July 1.
Section 12. Filling of Vacancies. When an Officer is Unable to Complete Term.
- If the President is unable to complete his/her term, the President-elect will assume the office of President and continue in that office until the completion of his/her regular term.
- If any officer other than the President is unable to serve, or if the President-elect assumes the office of President as specified in Section 12a above, the Board of Directors shall appoint a replacement. This member shall meet the requirements as set forth in Article III, Section 8a.
Section 1. President.
- The President shall preside at all meetings; shall call special meetings when the need arises; shall appoint all special committees and, with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall appoint the standing committees.
- The President and Executive Director shall be responsible for approval of updates to the website and social media.
- The President shall fill vacancies in the committee assignments and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
- The President shall provide updated messages via listserv or other media avenues.
Section 2. President-Elect.
- The President-elect shall in the absence of the President perform the duties of the president.
- The President-elect shall work closely with the president and will be a member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee.
Section 3. Vice President for Public Policy.
- The Vice President for Public Policy, assisted by the Public Policy Committee, shall chair the committee to develop a public policy platform and implementation strategy, and shall act as a liaison for Virginia ACTE and national ACTE on public policy matters affecting the organization and its divisions.
- The Vice President for Public Policy, with the assistance of the Public Policy Committee, creates the annual advocacy platform material, chairs the Newcomers Briefing at the Professional Develoepment and Leadership Seminar, and assembles and distributes all public policy updates.
Section 4. Secretary.
- The Secretary shall keep accurate records of all meetings of the Association, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee meetings, serve as custodian of the records of Virginia ACTE, and shall perform other such duties as assigned by the President.
- The Secretary shall send the Board of Directors board meeting minutes within five days of adjournment of each meeting.
Section 5. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget and present it to the Board for approval during the spring Board meeting, all receipts for the organization and make disbursements as authorized by the president, Board, and Executive Committee; submit financial reports to the Executive Director; prepare and submit records for an annual audit; and file, all necessary financial forms for state and federal agencies. The Board of Directors may provide an honorarium to the Treasurer.
Section 6. Vice President for Membership.
- The Vice President for Membership, assisted by the membership committee, shall develop and implement an annual membership recruitment and retention plan working with Virginia ACTE division associations and CTE educators throughout the year.
- The Vice President for Membership shall report regularly to the Virginia ACTE Executive Committee and the Virginia ACTE Board of Directors, regarding progress of membership recruitment and retention efforts.
Section 7. Immediate Past President.
- The Immediate Past President shall be a member of the Executive Board and the Executive Committee and serve as an advisor to the President.
- The Immediate Past President shall serve as chair for the Nominating and Election committee.
- The Immediate Past President shall serve as chair for Constitution and Bylaws committee.
Section 8. ACTE Region II Policy Representative.
- The ACTE Region II Policy Committee Representative shall serve as the Virginia Representative to the ACTE Region II Policy Committee and serve as a voting member of the Virginia ACTE Board of Directors and a member of the Virginia ACTE Executive Committee. The representative will provide the Executive Committee a report of the ACTE Region II Policy Committee meetings and actions within seven (7) days after all committee meetings.
Section 9. Conference Planner
- The Conference Planner shall oversee the hotel contract negotiations, execution, and implementation in concert with the Treasurer and report to the Board of Directors on conference hotel contract details and recommendations.
Section 10. Public Relations/Social Media Manager
- A Public Relations/Social Media Manager may be appointed by the Board of Directors for the management of all publicity and social media information for all nine divisions.
Section 1. The Annual Meeting.
- The annual meeting of Virginia ACTE shall be held at such time and place as the Board of Directors may decide. The Board of Directors shall designate a conference fee to be paid by persons attending the conference.
- The Board of Directors will be responsible for the program of activities, and each member will be notified of the conference date, location, and other pertinent details electronically and/or by mail.
- The number of members present shall constitute a quorum.
- The Board of Directors may direct that elections and business matters, which require members to vote, can be conducted either in-person or electronically.
Section 2. ACTE Delegates.
- The Association shall be represented at the annual meeting of ACTE, and the number of delegates will be in accordance with the ACTE Bylaws.
The President shall appoint and instruct the delegates, in consultation with the Board of Directors.
Section 1. Composition. The Board of Directors shall be composed of the President, President-elect, Vice President for Membership, Vice President for Public Policy, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Manager, Immediate Past President, the division representatives, and the ACTE Region II Representative. A representative of the Virginia Department of Education, Virginia ACTE Executive Director, and CTE Resource Center representative will serve as ex-officio non-voting members of the Board.
Section 2. Consultants. The Board of Directors may employ appropriate individuals to serve as Board consultants if the majority of the Board concurs.
Section 3. Observers. Division officers and other Virginia ACTE members are encouraged to attend Board of Directors meetings as observers. Observers may participate in discussion at the discretion of the presiding officer, but do not have voting privileges.
Section 4. Division Representative Alternates. If a division association representative is absent from a Board meeting, an alternate can attend from the division with prior notification. Otherwise, the notification from the division representative or division president is required for an alternate to be official. Official alternates will have voting privileges. Each division has one vote.
Section 5. Call of Board Meeting/Quorum. The Board of Directors shall meet at least three (3) times during each membership year or at the request of the President or at the written request of five (5) members of the Board. Should a majority of Board Members not be present, a vote may go to the Executive Committee. Should a quorum of the Executive Committee not be present, the vote must be tabled until a quorum is in attendance. Votes may be taken by electronic means.
Section 6. Members’ Expenses. The Association in accordance with the adopted budget shall pay travel expenses incurred by members of the Board of Directors in the performance of their duties.
Section 7. Budget. The Board of Directors shall adopt an annual budget for the Association as presented by the Treasurer.
Section 1. Composition. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, President-elect, Vice President for Membership, Vice President for Public Policy, Secretary, Treasurer, ACTE Region II Policy Representative, and Immediate Past President. The Executive Director of the Association will serve as an ex-officio nonvoting member.
Section 2. Duties
- The Executive Committee shall coordinate the activities of the Board of Directors with the Executive Director when the Board is not in session.
Section 3. Authority. The Executive Committee of the Association shall coordinate the activities of the Association with the Executive Director of Virginia ACTE in accordance with policies and directives established by the Board of Directors. This Committee is to take appropriate action on emergency matters that cannot wait until the next Board Meeting. Action(s) of the Executive Committee shall be reported to Board of Directors.
Section 4. Quorum. A quorum is four (4) members
Section 1. The Board of Directors may provide an honorarium to the Executive Director. The position will be reviewed annually.
Section 2. Duties
- The Executive Director shall manage, supervise, and direct the operation of the Association within the authority delegated to him or her by the Executive Committee.
- The Executive Director may sign all contracts on behalf of the Organization Association as authorized by the Board of Directors.
- Provision shall be made by the Association for the Executive Director to chair an audit of the Associations financial records each fiscal year. The auditor shall be selected by the Executive Director and approved by the board and Executive Committee. The Executive Director shall direct the Treasurer to prepare a financial statement monthly showing the actual cash position of the Association. A quarterly statement will be distributed to each member of the Board of Directors five (5) days prior to the regularly scheduled meetings.
- The Executive Director shall direct the Secretary to prepare minutes of the official Board of Directors and Executive Committee activities and to have access to the minutes to the Board of Directors five (5) days after the meeting.
Section 1. Standing Committees. Chairmen of the following standing committees shall come from the Board of Directors and may be appointed by the president of the Association as needed. Additional committees may be appointed, as necessary.
- Nomination/Election Committee shall present a proposed slate of officers to the Board during the fall Board meeting. In the event of more than one candidate, the Committee will meet prior to the spring meeting of the Board of Directors and shall count the ballots for the election. The chairman shall report to the Board of Directors at its spring meeting.
- An Auditing Committee shall be charged with the responsibility of auditing the records of the Association. The Committee shall report its findings at the annual meeting.
- A Program Committee shall develop and implement the program for the annual meeting.
- A Scholarship Committee shall publicize the Virginia ACTE Scholarship, receive and review applications, and recommend recipients to the Board of Directors.
- A Membership Committee, working under the direction of the Vice President for Membership, shall have the responsibility for developing and implementing an annual membership recruitment and retention plan with Virginia ACTE Divisions throughout the year.
- A Public Policy Committee shall develop the Virginia ACTE advocacy program of action and career and technical education policy positions for use at the local, state, and national levels. The Committee shall develop strategies for the implementation of the Virginia ACTE public policy program of action.
- A Constitution and Bylaws Committee, chaired by the Immediate Past President, shall receive and propose amendments to the Board for approval. Approved changes are then presented to the membership at the annual business meeting for passage.
- An Awards Committee, appointed by the President, shall receive nominations for Virginia ACTE awards and select the recipients of these awards. The Virginia ACTE awards criteria and judging will be in accordance with ACTE awards.
Section 2. Committee Reports. The committee chair shall send reports to the President seven (7) days prior to the Board meeting so the reports are included in the agenda packet. Committee meetings may be held an hour prior to scheduled Board meetings and those reports presented orally. The written report will be submitted to the Secretary to be include in the Board minutes.
The official publications of Virginia ACTE shall be the Virginia ACTE News and Updates which shall be published at least two (2) times annually at the discretion of the Executive Committee. In addition, a document outlining public policy shall be published annually and distributed to stakeholders. A listserv will be utilized as a means of communication with membership.
An Annual scholarship, as budgeted, shall be awarded as follows: To a graduating high school student to be used in furthering or entering his/her studies in a field of career and technical education. (See guidelines on the scholarship application.)
All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order – Newly Revised.
The President shall appoint a Parliamentarian for the annual business meeting.
These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members present and voting at the annual business meeting, provided amendments are offered in writing to the President thirty (30) days prior to the date of the annual meeting, and further that the amendments are made available to the membership through an official release at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the annual meeting.